Entries by wpSWopti

Bunker and Diesel Surcharge February 2020

Please find below the surcharges for diesel and bunker for February 2020. Surcharges Diesel & BAF For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Rotterdam, 20.01.2020

Bunker and Diesel Surcharge January 2020

Please find below the surcharges for diesel and bunker for January 2020. Surcharges Diesel & BAF For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Rotterdam, 16.12.2019

Schedule Changes Christmas and New Year 2019/2020

Please find below our Christmas and Sylvester schedules 2019/2020. We are looking forward to your continued support and wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Schedule Christmas and New Year 2019_2020 Rotterdam, 03.12.2019